Friday, September 21, 2007

Sacred Ground

"Do not come any closer," God said. "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground."

I want my house to be like that. A place where people take off their sandals and tread upon holy ground. The sacred ground of the home. A place where their heart and soul feel secure.

This house has never been mine - it was my Mom's and it remains so, even now that she is gone. It has always felt dark and cramped to me - too full, too full. I have often welcomed people to my 'rat warren'.

My solution is to move but first I have to sell this house. To do that I have to make it look pretty. The first part of that is to get rid of 90% of the 'stuff' inside of it. So...

... my house is set up for an Estate Sale that happens on Sunday. I have a path from the door of my bedroom to the bed that is about one-foot wide because my room is stuffed with all the worldly goods that I want to keep.

The rest of the house looks like a second-hand store. Let me tell you, it feels mighty invasive and surreal to have people going through the 'stuff' that has surrounded me my entire life. I suppose the biggest shock is the set of china that Mom always told us was worth $60,000 being put on sale for $300. E-bay has ruined the antiques market.

I can't wait until Sunday is over and my house is cleaned out. Finally, there will be space to breathe and enjoy the leftover 'stuff' that I really do love. Then I'll rip up the carpet and paint the walls. Once I get it looking beautiful I'll be able to sell it and move away.

Typical. I won't get to enjoy how cute it will look. I hope that I take the time to make my new home beautiful while I am still living in it. My intention is to create a sacred space where all who enter feel at peace - especially me. Wish me luck.

Exodus 3:5


sc@vp said...

luck and hugs
(and maybe a few drinks, too)

Anonymous said...

This whole process, though surreal, must be cathartic (sp?) (way too lazy to go find the dictionary...wait, there it, I was right) It will be so wonderful when you are moved into your new home and you can look around at the few precious things that you brought with you, mixed with all of the new things that reflect who you are, and feel like everything is just right!
P.S. Bile is made by the gall bladder. Darn.