Monday, September 24, 2007

On Tory... from a friend

My beloved friend sbd has issued her own little polemic and since she has said it with more conviction that I could myself (and first hand knowledge) I wanted to share (with her permission of course):

{begin quote}

23 September 2007

does this mean I'm going to have to vote Liberal?



What the hell are you thinking with the 'funding for all private religious schools' bullshit?

(Obviously you have never seen the product of a private Christian school.*)

If parents are afraid that their children are not receiving the education they would like them to have, those same parents should take it upon themselves to join the PTA (or whatever it's called [what? my first's only in JK - I'm not really in the loop yet.]) and make a positive change in their local public school. (Added bonus: their children will see their parents actually making a difference in the world and possibly grow up not afraid to try to make a difference in their own world.)

Or (and here's a really revolutionary thought) perhaps they could, you know, model what they want their children to learn at home.

And if parents are concerned that their children are receiving an education that involves the teaching of 'evolution' or some other so-called anti-(evangelical) Christian viewpoint, perhaps those same parents could teach their children to be critical thinkers (some people would agree: a very handy little skill to have) by offering them the opportunity to read about other schools of thought and then discuss it around the dinner table.

And do you really think most Ontarians will be thrilled to have their tax dollars going to fund schools teaching young Muslims how to continue the 'Holy War'**?

*No doubt there are some good private Christian schools out there. No doubt. Sadly, I've never seen a student come out of a private Christian school who wasn't either a) terrified of anyone who wasn't a Christian or b) hell-bent.

** Hey, if I'm going to make sweeping generalizations about Christian schools ...

{end quote}

I love my friends.

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